Friday, September 11, 2009

Park With a View--Alamo Square

We have such amazing parks here in San Francisco that I decided to start a new series called Park With A View. We get the most beautiful views of our city while watching the kids run around!
The first park is at Alamo Square...home of the famous "Painted Ladies" houses. Now grated, most of these pictures are of the kids but we just wanted to share some of our beautiful city with you.

I love this playground because they designed it to imitate the surrounding Victorian houses.

Cameron insists on climbing up the slide and runs back and forth over the bridge not holding on. I'm finding I'm more relaxed about them running around the play structures and I think they really enjoy not being shadowed so much...freedom!

The kids kept sliding their cars down the slide and I would throw them back up...lasted at least a half hour. Then yummy snack time in the shade...t was so hot this day, can you see how flush their faces are?

1 comment:

Mira said...

Tell me which are the best fenced parks if you find any. I can't do no fences or someone runs into traffic. But I'd love to do a new park now and then.