Monday, September 7, 2009


We made it back from our amazing vacation and trying to sort through the hundreds of pictures/video we took. Our drive back went almost as planned...Timo fell asleep right at his bed time and slept the whole way but this time Cameron was the trouble maker. She played really well for the first 3 hours and (2 hours after her "bed time") then started to whimpering that quickly turned to screaming for about 20min before she gave in and fell asleep. We had a nice quiet remaining 30min drive home which was such a good thing because we hit traffic just outside SF, trying to cross the Golden Gate Bridge. (the Bay Bridge was closed the whole weekend due to construction).

Anyway, I think I'm going to do posts by activity instead of by day. The cabin we were staying in with tucked away in the woods so there was lots of wilderness to explore. The kids had so much fun picking up sticks, throwing pine cones, climbing rocks and watching all kinds of creatures crawl in the ground. We spent hours out there...
This is our "Where's Waldo" picture...can you spot Timo?

We started out checking out the trail just behind the house

Timo loved to climb the big rocks and then slide back down...he almost wore out the seat in this britches...Cameron was right behind him.

This was another day, we went deeper into the woods and found this huge fallen tree. They loved sitting and standing on the log.

They stepped on and off this bolder a thousand times and then spotting this giant redwood tree.

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