Friday, September 18, 2009

Pausing For a Few Days & Milestones

So remember I mentioned we broke our camera on vacation?? Well, we got out new one but haven't had a chance to load all the software and whatnots so that we can upload the pictures...Therefore, I'm out of new pictures right now. But get ready...once we get things loaded this weekend, there will be a super overflowing of posts...stay tuned...

I did want to mention a milestone for both kids. Timo looked at Cameron the other day and said "dis-ter" while pointing to Cameron. I'm always saying "don't hit your sister", "please give that back to your sister", "tell your sister you're sorry and give her kisses", so I guess he finally connected to her.

And Cameron put two words together "daddy bite". She was eating a banana and Young asked for a bite so she walked over to him and said "daddy bit?"

Good job kids! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you!!

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