Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Playground Fun

We found this great big playground at the South Lake Tahoe Rec Center. There was also a public pool there but we didn't have a chance to check it out on this time!
"Vroom, vroom!"

Cameron kept saying "pish, pish, pish" and Timo checking out the airplanes flying over.

This slide was deceptively rough...we sent Timo down it alone and he bumped and tumbled all the way down. It's a "mommy help" slide. Young held Cameron to go down and ended up breaking the our camera that was in his pocket on one of the bumps! This was the last picture we were able to take. (The rest of our vacation pics are from his SLR camera or my phone camera)

There was also a Calvary Chapel church that met in the gym of this rec center. We saw the sign on Saturday and came back Sunday morning for their lovely service. There was child care provided and Cameron was such a sweet little girl...she never cried once!! She doesn't even do that at our own church...

Here is another little park we went to by the water. There were lots of geese (and goose poop!) around that Timo kept chasing and all Cameron wanted to do was go down to the water, so we didn't stay here long. Timo got a little too close to one goose and it hissed at scared him so bad, he came running over to me crying!

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