Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Big Kid Cups

We're trying something new at dinner now...drinking out of big kid cups. I think I've mentioned how I'm soooo over sippy cups but realistically I know sippy cups will be a part of our lives for a while longer. But there's no reason why we can't start learning how to drink out of cups and shorten that sippy cup time!

So here we go, the kids drinking out of big cups, on their own. I tried it a few nights ago and it went over fairly well. I put just a little milk in the cups just in case it ended up on the floor...good thing I did as you will see in the video...

Cameron was pro from the git go which isn't a big surprise. She is such a neat eater and barely gets any food on her or her bib or tray. I had to refil her cup 3 times! Good job baby girl!!

Timo on the other hand...still needs some practice...no sticking your hands in the milk son!

1 comment:

Alicia Wong said...

Wowie BIG boy/girl cups!!! They are growing up so fast!