Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008...Getting Ready

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. I'm personally glad the holidays are over and I can get on with the organization of the nursery. It's one of those things that has been too overwhelming to deal with in the middle of everything the holidays brings. But no excuses now...so here is a short list of the remaining items I feel need to be done before the little ones make their arrival. Any input is welcomed...
-wash all bedding and clothes
-set up diaper changing stations
-catch up on sleep
-figure out how to use the most of the baby items we received
-install car seats (should be at the top)
-pack my bag for the hospital
-read up on breastfeeding and baby's first year books
-catch up on sleep
-Clean/organized kitchen to make room for baby items...
-watch baby videos
-input address for birth announcements
-create a feeding cart
-catch up on sleep and alone time with my husband

and the list goes on....


Sharona said...

I think you forgot 'catch up on sleep.'

Anonymous said...

you don't have to wash everything, just what you think you'll need the first few days. you'll be doing laundry every other day anyway initially, and you won't end up needing 50% of what you got, so good to save receipts for exchanges.