Thursday, January 24, 2008

Week 35 Woo Hoo!

We've made it one more week and not an end in sight! More good news from the doctors apt. today...each baby passed their heart/movement test, they have plenty of fluid around each and I'm still truckin' along. No bed rest! My doctor is very please with everyone's progress and seems to think I'll be able to carry all the way till the end. She told me to settle in for the long haul. So no more sitting on pins and needles thinking it could be any day now. I'm scheduled for a Feb 26th c-section and she thinks I'll make it or get really least to 37 weeks.

We also had an ultrasound today, measuring their size. Cameron is still a little smaller, weighing in at 4lb 13oz and her brother, eating more than his fair share, weighs in at 5lb 6oz. I had a pretty dry technician today in ultrasound, so we didn't get good ultrasounds pictures..again. But here is a belly shot just for fun.


Sharona said...

THAT IS THE MOST AMAZING THING I HAVE EVER SEEN. You're so beautiful! And I can't believe you might carry to term! That's incredible! Jesus REALLY loves our babies.

Anonymous said...

Are you wearing a sweatshirt from South Dakota???

Anonymous said...

I'm in awe at your tummy!

Anonymous said...

and most importantly, not a stretch mark in sight! congrats!!