Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Arts & Crafts

I am so behind in all the photos and post I would like to put up! Luckily we have been super mellow the past weekend/week so I haven't taken very many new pictures...and I get a chance to go through all my older pictures and post. This is one is really old, from Father's Day, but I wanted to post it because it was the kids first arts and crafts! I know it's not that note worthy but since this blog is basically our baby book/photo album/journal of our family, I thought their first craft is a big deal...I mean, come on, are my babies really big enough to crafts yet??? The fact that they sat at the table the whole time, drawing and putting stickers on the cards...that's huge! And God bless all the great toddler volunteers on Sunday and help get the kids excited about art!

Since this went over so well, we are starting an arts and craft time for our Co-op on Thursdays. I need to think of something fun for the kids on my day to work in a few weeks...any ideas??

1 comment:

Abs said...

Playdough! Emmaline loves it already and can roll lots of little logs and snakes. She even says rolly rolly when she does it.

My recipe is at home and I'll send it to you seperatly.
