Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 4th

The sun peeked out from the fog just long enough for us to have a wonderful Fouth of July backyard cookout. It was a bittersweet holiday, missing our friend Phil, but we all tried to have a fun, joyful holiday. Having the twins around certainly made everyone laugh and smile for just a little while. We had Claudia and all her extended family, who are in town for Phil's service, over so there were lots of hands to play with the kids and keep them occupied! The kids were little piggies the whole time, walking around to everyone, "begging" for food and getting fed constantly. I couldn't get them to sit down and just eat off their own plate! And I didn't get any pictures of it, but the kids would only drink out of big sippy cups, so there was a constant stream of water running down their chins. Between that, dump truck rides, sandbox, bubbles, and some bug Timo decided he wanted to eat, they were an absolute mess! As someone said, they earned their bath last night.

The kids enjoying July 4th staples...burgers and watermelon!

Claudia's sister is up from Columbia and loved the cool weather we were having. And Phil's sister from VA and his mom (we call her Honey Mama) from Texas..such southern gals, I love these ladies! The Busbee girls were here as well as Phil's brother and his whole family.

Tmo loved eating his chips all day. I would find him reaching in the bag himself! I got the kids a bubble blower on sale and pulled it out for the first time yesterday. Big hit. Cameron kept trying to catch the bubbles...until she reached for the machine and dumped bubble liquid all over herself...oops!

Oh yeah!

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