Friday, July 31, 2009

New Toys!

Our neighbors were having a yard sale last week of all her 24 year old daughter's toys. Everything was $1!!! We stocked up on some great "vintage" toys for the kids. We were able to get a little table and chairs for the kids too. The love to sit there now and have their snack and milk. Cameron just likes sitting the the chairs just her size. And she LOVES the little rocking doggie. It's the first thing she runs to every morning and after she wakes up from her nap. This little toy is also the cause of quite a few shoving matches between the two least they are learning how to work things out themselves...I hope.

I think it's funny to see the 1980's version of the Fisher Price school bus and the 2000's version. My how toys change over the years. Today's version even has a little wheelchair pc. And this little kitchen has been a huge hit with Timo, go figure.

Here is Cameron enjoying her rockin' doggie...until the end when she spots Timo drinking out of her sippy cup!

1 comment:

Mira said...

great deal! I need a little table like that. Somehow every snack gets stuffed and smeared all over my sofa. Not cool.