Tuesday, July 21, 2009


It hasn't really been hot enough here in SF for popsicles but I saw this little popsicles holder at IKEA and had to have it for the kids. I tried it out the other day, making mango coconut sickles for them. Coconut milk is a big food for Cameron's high calorie/high fat diet (yes, we are still trying to put some weight on her).

Their first Popsicle experience went over OK, but not met with the enthusiasm I had hoped for. I don't think they knew exactly what to do with them! They kept trying to bite them but couldn't stand the coldness for very long. And the whole concept of licking it was completely foreign to them. But I think they liked the flavor and ate about half...then we moved on to a much more manageable snack...blueberries and crackers!

1 comment:

Abs said...

My goodness - Emmaline loves popsicles I have to sctually cut her off at 2 or she'd just keep eating them! She love ice cubes too. Last night at dinner (out at a kid friendly place) she was done eating and we gave her all our ice cubes in a bowl and got another 30 min out of her sitting in a highchair.