Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Yes, we are on to the next stage of toddlerhood...potty training! Well, sort of...we have the potties. I know what you're thinking..."they're only 18mo old!" Yes, I know but Timo has been showing signs of understanding his poop and pee pee so we thought we would get the potties just to have them when he was ready. I hear boys are much harder to potty train than girls, so the fact that he was showing interest in it...I didn't want to miss out on that.
I brought them home and let the kids just play and "get the feel" of their new best friend...Froggy the Potty!

I am so not prepared to start potty training just yet so it's more of a novelty for the kids right now. I'm just starting to read up on how to start the process and apparently I need to get some stickers and lots of M&Ms for rewards. Our big potty time right now is before bath time. So far Timo has peed and pooped in his potty!!! And he is so proud of himself, he has to turn around and check it out. Cameron hasn't really taken to hers yet...she keeps pulling the insert our and carrying it around the house...and a few accidents right next the the potty. I think it's a bit too big for her right now so she needs to grow just a little for it to be comfortable.

Timo catching up on his board book reading while Cameron has places to go

"Mommy, look what I did!"
(I'll spare you the picture of what's inside...but it's going in the baby book!)
I have to get up the energy to start the process soon. I hear between 18-24mo is a great time to start and I've been talking to a lot of experienced moms who say earlier is better. It's just going to take a lot of energy on our part to get the ball rolling and not look back. I'll keep you posted....


Mira said...

Goodness. I'm not even thinking about that. Where'd you get the 18-24 months is a good time to start info? Another thing I'm behind on! augh!

The Kapics said...

I'm totally overwhelmed! Is this something I should start soon??? I think I'll let you go first and tell me what works. Potty training triplets may put me over the edge!

sara said...

I know 18mo sounds early but Timo is pooping in the tub almost every night and comes to me to say "poo poo" when he has pooped...what is a mom to do???