Saturday, August 1, 2009

Academy of Science

The new Academy of Science opened a little over a year ago just a few blocks from our house. I've always been weary of taking the kids #1 the huge crowds and #2 it seems for older kids, maybe 3yr and up. Well, thank goodness for my fellow twin mom's that have brave the museum before me. Virginia takes her twins all the time and turns out they have this great tots room just for ages 0-3. She graciously let us come along on her membership so we could check it out.

I didn't get pictures because it was so crowded but we started out at the penguin area and the kids were completely fascinated by the swimming penguins. We have a book on penguins so I think they actually knew what they were.

But the best was the tots room. What I really like about it was how contained it all was. Virginia and I could actually carry on a conversation while the kids ran around. It was just big enough for them and just small enough for us.

Cameron and Trevor climbing up into the tree house. They kids loved this swinging bridge...they walked across it over and over and over again

Of course Cameron found the chairs while Timo and Lexi cooked up something good in the boat kitchen.

There was quite a shoving match but both kids got a chance at driving the boat.

I'm not sure if I've mentioned, but Timo loves puzzles so he spent a good part of the time in the puzzle area

Once Cameron found this scuba mask she would not take it off the rest of the time there. Let's not talk about the final scene of trying to put her in the stroller, give her a snack and sneak the mask over her head...not pretty.

One final bye-bye to the sea lions and Mr. turtle.

1 comment:

Mira said...

Looks like it went great! What day did you go and how were the lines?