Monday, August 17, 2009

San Mateo County Fair!

I've been really wanting to take the kids to some kind of county fair this year. I have such great memories of going to the fair when I was kid, I couldn't wait to treat the kids to some fair fun! The sights and smells made me do a little leap of joy...

Of course, there wasn't a whole lot the kids could participate in but they watching all the action going on...even the turkey races! We made the most of what we could and spent most of the time in the bard yard/livestock area. Timo loved to see the chickens and bunnies in cages and cow is one of Cameron's new words so she kept saying "cow" over and over and we walked through the livestock barn.
Timo chased after this duck all over the place...never did catch it! Cameron was a little scared of the animals. You could feed them food so all the animals practically attacked everyone looking for food.

Cameron loved this deer...I think b/c it wasn't moving around. Timo was trying to feed it some straw.

Cameron trying to ride the saddle while Timo loved his view atop the huge cow!

I was hoping the kids could ride more rides but most had height requirements to even ride with a parent. This was the only ride we could ride with the kids. But they loved roaming all around checking out all the other little rides and games. We were worn out just chasing them down.

Getting them back in their stroller to leave was a struggle so we used all the weapons we could! These M&M ice cream bars were given out for free so why not let the kids have a little nibble or two...or three...

After we were all stuffed with corn dogs, onion rings, funnel cake, chicken strips, fries and ice was time to go. We stripped the kids down to get in the car because they had ice cream all over them! We were hoping they would fall asleep on the car ride home but no such luck. I think they were on a sugar high therefore unusually cranky/screaming the whole way home. But I didn't let it ruin how much fun we had at the kids first fair!!

1 comment:

Sharona said...