Monday, April 5, 2010

Coloring Easter Eggs!

The twins had their friends, Trevor and Lexie, over on Saturday for Easter Egg coloring! Us parents weren't real sure how the whole project was going to be so the kids were dressed in their best "get dirty" wear. But to our surprise, they did an amazing job coloring eggs. The only problem was having enough eggs for each child. We cooked 2dz thinking it was plenty, but subtract a couple that cracked, a couple for us to test the colors with and that only left 5 eggs for each to color. Once we were done, the kids kept asking for more...oops, lesson learned for next year.

Good thing the dads were there was man to man coverage for a while. The hardest part for the kids was waiting for the eggs to color in the liquid. Oh, and the fact that you couldn't drink the liquid!

Once we were done coloring, we had to wait a bit for the eggs to dry and then put stickers on. This by far was the most fun for them. Timo and Lexi went sticker happy, Cameron discovered the eggs would crack if you hit them on the table and Trevor decided he wanted the blue ones so he carried them all around the living room.
And Viola!! Here they are! Not too bad for our first time, huh?
(all the cracked ones are courtesy of Cameron)

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