Friday, December 23, 2011

Box Fun!

Tis the season for boxes to be arriving at the house, and yes, some of them are somewhat large...large enough for a 3 year old's imagination! We got four full days of entertainment out of these two is their evolution. Day 1, we have an airplane and a rocket ship!
They decided they needed to decorate their planes by adding some wheels on the outside and controls on the inside.

Day 2...a pirate ship! Two pirates looking for treasure!
Day 3...Timo's plane becomes a kayak. I have no idea where he has learned what a kayak is but he seemed to know exactly what to do with wrapping paper tube.

Day artiest's canvas. Nothing like markers and a wide open pallet to draw on! Seems like the perfect way to send these boxes out to the recycling...with rainbows and race cars all over them.

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