Thursday, December 22, 2011

Magical Christmas Time

Last Saturday Young was out town so I took the kids out for some Christmas time cheer! We started our day at Grace Cathedral for the Christmas Family Sing-a-long followed by a Magical Tea at Top of the Mark. We had so much fun, I think we'll be making this an annual family outing...and make sure Daddy comes next year!
The sing-a-long was a lot of fun. The actual show was short (about 45mins), and we sang all the song the kids knew. Cameron sang along...Timo decided to just listen. The basic story was all these toys searching for the true meaning of Christmas. So all the characters were constantly walking back and forth in front of us. Timo's favorite was the Ninja and Cameron just adored the Princess.

A mom always comes prepared with snacks just in case things run a little long...the show wasn't long but there was along wait after the show to meet characters and sit on Santa's lap. We had snacks and walked around to look at the beautiful stain glass windows in the church.

And of course we waiting all that time, finally walked up the characters and the kids got shy! Cameron did give Santa a high-five but no lap this time.
I'm sure if you ask the kids what they like most about Grace Cathedral they would say the steps! They walked all the way up and down at least 10 times.

Ah, to be a kid again and find fun in anything that you do...
The Fairmont Hotel is right next to where we were having tea so we walked inside to check out the Christmas decorations. Wow, they had a life size gingerbread house!
We stopped in at the Santa station and wrote our letters and dropped them in the box.
Then we walked across the street the Top of the Mark for our Magical Tea! Top of the Mark is a hotel at the very top of Nob Hill, such amazing views of San Francisco outside and inside...especially to a 3 year old!

Once we were seated, we hit the buffet (mac n cheese, pigs in blankets, grilled cheese) and the kids ordered pink lemonade!
They came around and told us the magic show was about to begin so we had to go find some seats! The magician was soooo good. Totally kid friendly, nothing scary and he did some really cool tricks.
We went back for some more lunch and dessert and then headed over to the face painting. Timo had seen a bat man mask on another little boy and just had to have it...even though he has no idea who bat man is. I just saw a whole lot of black paint on his face!
Cameron had princess on the brain from the sing-a-long so she asked for a princess. Hers took a while to do and I was impressed by how still she sat...except for talking. She was a little chatter box to the woman painting, telling her what she wanted for Christmas, how old she was, when her birthday was, on and on and on!
The second magic show started and Timo was especially happy he was picked as a volunteer to help with a trick...he got to examine a rope before it got tied in a knot. (look close, see the rope in his hands?)
Back at our table they brought around a present for each of the children...a magic kit...oh my! Luckily they didn't need our table so we could camp out and try out our new magic tricks!

As much fun as we were having, it was eventually time for us to go...we needed to go pick Daddy up from the airport. One last pink marshmallow and one last look from Top of the Mark!

Oh, one last pic from that is Timo in the bath as we try to wash all that black paint off! (we won't talk about the temper tantrum Cameron had over not wanting to wash hers off.)

1 comment:

Leigh Anne said...

Nice day!  Yeah, our first foray into face painting was just before we had some professional pix done of the girls. I had a brief panic attack when the next morning Emilie's big flower was just a blob on her cheek!  Luckily by the time we had the pictures done it was pretty faint. Whew! -LA