Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Day pt. 2

It wasn't an easy task but we all managed to get ready and to church on time Christmas morning! We needed to make a few compromises to get the kids out the door...Cameron got to take a toy in the car and Timo got to wear his hat!
I love going to church Christmas morning! Worshiping together, celebrating the birth of Christ and being surrounded by our church family made Christmas even more special. The family service was short, only 45min long and had a special children's story given by our pastor. He really got the children's attention when he climbed on the ladder to show how Jesus was God in heaven and came down to earth as a baby. (Timo came back to his seat with lots of questions "how did Jesus get from heaven to earth?", "I thought Joseph was His daddy, not God?")
We came home and let the kids open a few more gifts before our guests arrived.

Our dear friends, the Busbee ladies, came over to spend Christmas Day with us. We had such a great, relaxing day together, enjoying good food, good friends and a few gifts for the kiddies....monkey slippers!
Young did such a good job on our prime rib! Soooo yummy! We lingered at the lunch table nibbling every last bite!

We were so blessed by having Claudia and the girls with us all day. I gain such wisdom and insight form Claudia in even the smallest of things. Alexis and Ashley just love the kids and played with them most of the day, allowing us to get lunch cooked. We had a wonderful day together...such a Merry Christmas!

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