Monday, September 17, 2012


I don't know about your 4 year old, but my four year old is a Superhero! My little girl is out to save the world. It's a love affair that has been going on for a long, long time.  Remember Halloween last year?  And she wore that costume until she practically wore it out.
Now that she is four and her world has gotten much larger, she goes back and forth between Batman, Captain America and Wonder Woman. When I ask her why she loves superheroes so much, her answer is extremely simple. "Because they save people, Mommy."  Duh.  There must be some instinct in little ones to pretend to be someone or something they're not so they can control the world around them...a world that, to them, seems they have very little control in. I'm not even sure how she came to love Batman, etc...because she has never read a comic book, seen the movies, seen a tv show, but somehow being the hero is in her somewhere.
A little identity crisis...a super unicorn??  But she thinks the fairy wings will help Captain America fly..."because he doesn't have a cape, Mommy."  Of course, makes sense.
Just FYI, once your kids know you can print coloring pages off the's all over.  Every other day Cameron is asking for a new coloring page.  These are some of the ones that made it to the wall.  The Joker is her favorite bad guy, btw.
 Our church picnic a few weeks ago...Batman saving Daddy from the gigantic ball!
I'm thinking I'll have to get all three costumes for Halloween because who knows who's super powers she will be channeling on Halloween.  It changes everyday.  And I'm willing to bet my kitchen aid mixer that she'll rotate between them on the days before and long after Halloween is over.  We're still getting mileage out of her unicorn and Supergirl costumes (2 and 3 year old Halloween) She is already planning her Superhero birthday party (next Feb), complete with Captain America cupcakes and Wonder Woman lasso of truth games...we're not sure what that game is but she knows it involves a yellow rope.

But not to be forgotten, last week she was looking in her closet for her Super Girl costume from last year (I thought I put it far enough in the back but not far enough...) and stumbled across her princess dresses.  I love that pink is her favorite color but can switch between a princess or Batman in a span of 3 minutes.  I guess that's what a superhero is...a real Hero in disguise.

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