Tuesday, November 13, 2012


As I've mentioned before, Halloween is my least favorite holiday...used to be Valentines Day but then my lovely children were born on that day, so it moved Halloween up to the top of the list. I'm not one who likes to be scared, don't like scary movies and in general have little imagination when it come to the whole costume thing. Not to mention as Christians, Halloween is not a holiday I want to make high on our list. Witches, evil spirits, and zombies really go against what we teach in our house. But, having said all that, we still allow the kids to partake in the tradition while they are young. Timo continued with his Ninja, even though he talked about being Matt Cain for days. When it came down to dressing, he just couldn't give up the Ninja. Cameron switch up and was Funny Bones.

This was our first Halloween in the rain :( but we survived.  We started a little earlier than normal, trying to get some houses in before the rain really started but the drizzle was just hard enough to need an umbrella...making a little hard to take pictures.  We cruised our normal neighborhood close to our house with our buds Caleb and Evan and it was great.  The neighborhood blocks off the streets to traffic, making it really safe for the littles. 
Starting to feel goofy after a few pieces of candy...
The later it got, the darker it got, the scarier things got...which meant it was time to go.  Timo was trying to figure this one out.  It was very disturbing for him...he asked a lot of questions.  And see how far away Cameron is walking from this scary ghost?  She didn't even make it, I had to pick her up and shuttle her away.  She didn't like the eyes...
But the real marker for the end of our evening was Timo asking me to carry his candy because it was too heavy...what a problem to have, huh? Luckily, right as we were heading back to the car it started pouring rain.  Just in time!  Another successful Halloween. The kids were so tired by the time we go home, counting candy had to wait til the following morning...but just as fun!

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