Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Women of Faith Conference

A few weekends ago our Women's Ministry embarked on our first Women of Faith Conference! Anyone who knows me knows this has been a huge prayer of mine for a long time.  I've never been but had heard how fantastic these conferences was all true.  We had an amazing weekend!!  I was 20 wonderful ladies the whole weekend and boy was it an adventure...with lots of lessons learned.  My first task, getting 20 women up to Sacramento (2 hours away). A few ladies drove themselves because of timing issues, the rest were in this 15 passenger van that I drove...we definitely prayed for safe travels there and back!Thank you ladies for trusting me.
After checking into our hotel, we headed to the Black Bear Diner for a little supper before we headed to the evening session of the conference.  So. Yummy.  Total comfort food.  Lesson learned for next year...20 women need a little longer than an hour to order, eat and, um, socialize.  We were a little late to the pavilion...
But we got there and the first sound I heard were thousands of women worshiping the Lord!  I was overwhelmed by how God works, how faithful He is and how He paved the way for us to be there.  The evening session was tremendous, from comedy to music to message....and that was just 3 hours.  I couldn't wait for the all day session the next day!
Our hotel had free breakfast so we agreed on a time to meet at the van, ready to head out.  Lesson learned, see if a Starbucks run is needed, decide the night before so you allow extra time.  We were a little late, again...but made it and day two exceeded my expectations.  I can't even  begin to tell you all my "take aways" but the resounding theme was "knowing who you are in Christ."  I was so caught up in the moment of the whole weekend, I didn't take any pictures...luckily Sarah W. took a with a few of our ladies.
We made a plan to tailgate for lunch.  I got all the fixing for sandwiches, chips, fruit, drinks, etc...everything needed for a easy tailgate lunch.  Lesson learned...write a check list so you don't forget the bread at home.  But everyone was so forgiving and made yummy and ham and cheese rollups!  They all ended up thanking me for a low carb lunch...such sweet girls.
After the session ended we decided to have one last meal together before heading back to SF.  This was a great time of digesting things we had just heard or experienced.  I didn't know some of the women very well before we left, but by dinner time, we were all new friends.  The best part was everyone was already talking about our trip next year!  God is good.

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