Saturday, November 24, 2012

Operation Christmas Child

We participated in Operation Christmas Child again this year. Last the children didn't really understand what they doing, just that they were picking out toys for little kids that don't have any toys. It was probably the same this year, but I would like to think my prep work made it a little more meaningful to them. So we watched a promo video online so they might connect faces to their actions and then those actions to the love of Christ. (They watched video in VBS this summer and still talk about the children in Alaska that they sent school supplies to.) They had lots of questions after watching the video which was good...gave me lots of opportunity to explain why we participate in this program.
The next day we were off to the Dollar Tree to fill the boxes.  Timo decided on a little boy and Cameron wanted to fill a box for a little girl.  They both did really well picking out toy for the children, only getting side tracked on toys for themselves a few times.  But I kept reminding them we were there for the other children, not ourselves.
The next morning we spread it all out and started packing!  The boxes were so full, we had to put a tight rubberband around them to keep them closed!
On Sunday we took the boxes to church to help with the 250 boxes the whole church, so amazing to see God use the people of our church to help the children of the nations.

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