Saturday, August 23, 2014

San Francisco Summer

We woke the next day to our realization of the SF summer...foggy and cold.  Notice the difference in the kids clothing?  They woke up freezing!  The kids went right for their video games first thing which made Young and I realize we needed to set up some serious rules and boundaries around the DS systems.  But it was nice to have them playing quietly while I went about the task of unpacking, washing and making out grocery lists.  (It's amazing how my husband survived two weeks with no food in the house!)
We had a ton of errands to run the first week back, one of which was getting supplies for Young's new office space.  The construction began while we were gone but was starting to take shape by the time we got back. What's more exciting than a construction site and a multiple trips to Home Depot?  And the tower they built at Trader Joes while I was shopping...they asked me to take a picture of it...
We did manage to find time to meet up with friends to play...once I tore them away from the gaming.  I had a flash forward image of Timo when he's 13!  Anyway, we met Caleb and Evan at Dolores Park...yeah for sun!  It was sunny but not super hot, but we made an ice cream run to Birite
One of Timo's best friends from Kindergarten, Maddox, was moving to Boston and they had a little going away party for him the last week before they moved.  I don't think it hit either one of them that they wouldn't see each other again until after Maddox left.  Timo kept asking to go play with Maddox and Maddox's mom text me shortly after they left about how much Maddox was missing Timo.  So sad these two boys won't go up together...but such is life in SF...people come and go.
We also hit the library to sign up and start our reading program...we were a little late, but better late than never.  We only had a few days left before school started again....

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