Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Summer Vacation Has Begun!

Wow, has is really been a whole summer since school let out?  And now we're already on to 1st. grade!! But before we get to "back to school", we had a great summer vacation back east. We landed in NC and headed straight for Myrle Beach.  Young and I had a day or two there before the kids came down with Granny and Grandpa.  This is pretty much all we did...
The rest of the family arrived with the camper and we settled in for our week at the beach. The little helpers got right to work helping set everything up.

We love camping mainly because it forces us to live outdoors. We were lucky, we chose the first week of June which was before most of the schools got out in the area so we had the place virtually to ourselves. By the time we left the following weekend it was packed.  So we enjoyed the great outdoors and just lazy family time.
Grandpa and Timo made a pretty cool bow and arrow!
And long walks on the beach, watching the moon rise...
Most of our days were torn between pool time and beach time...oh, the decisions of summer vacation.  We generally did the pool early, usually the first ones there before it got crowded. It gave the kids lots of room to practice their swimming and you could really see the improvement by the end of the week!
The beach became our afternoon time when the tide was coming in.  The breaking waves were much closer to the soft sand where I was under the shady umbrella, so I could keep a better eye on the monkeys.  And it created more tide pools to look for and catch fiddler crabs and minnows.
I loved that, even though we live in California, we are still able to make memories at the same beach, the same campground that I have such fond childhood memories!

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