Saturday, August 2, 2008

Let the Solids Begin!

We started the kids on solid foods this weekend...or as my family in NC would say, FINALLY stated the kids on solid foods. Most can't believe we waited six months. (Apparently I was only two months when I started eating solids). But 30 some odd years later, it's a little different. The experts think starting kids on food later will help with allergies. And I've been very anxious about them eating and wanting to do it the right way because food, the love of all different types of food, is so important to me. I pray that we don't have picky eaters or any allergies to deal with.
So we put if off until the six month mark (the kids are now 24 weeks) and started with yummy and delicious rice cereal. I say it was a success even though we only got a few spoonfuls into their mouths. Timothy took to it and enjoyed the experience...Cameron will take a little coaxing.
Here are a few pictures of the big day. We took some video too, I'll post later when I have a little more time.

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