Monday, August 11, 2008

Play Dates & Milestones

Sunday was full of fun and milestones for the kids. We started the day going to church where I tried to leave the kids in the nursery so I could take part in some of the service. As you know, it's been hard on Cameron to be away from Mommy and Daddy. This Sunday she lasted a whole 30 mins in the nursery. Of course I was so nervous I kept getting up and going down to check...but no cries. I finally slipped out just after the sermon to check and she was at her limit. But I was sooo proud of her!! She and Timothy are getting closer and closer everyday and I think if she can see him she feels safe.

Then we were off for a play date with our friends Yang, Mason and Jasper. Jasper is 10 months old which seems like a lot now but once they all pass 1 year old, there won't be much of a difference. Yang is the most read mother I've ever met. Because Jasper was born six week premature, she has done extensive research on baby milestones to help monitor Jasper's development...and he is right on track. She was constantly letting us know different milestones the kids have hit that I wasn't aware of. Apparently Cameron has just about completed her consonant, ba, da, ma, etc...Timothy is stuck on his da right now. The twins are both sitting up on their own too!! Timothy a little longer than Cameron but she was hanging in there. Timothy is wiggling around on his tummy so much, she thinks he'll be crawling soon. And the kids didn't really watch the TV that was on and Yang thought that was a good sign...they were more interested in all the different toys.
The kids napped most of the play date but we got a few pictures...

The kids took a nap in Japer's crib...Timothy missing the days of sharing a crib with his sister. And all the kids hangin' on the sofa.

The twins sitting in Daddy's lap and Japser ridding the carousel with his Daddy.

The twins congratulating each other on all their milestones of the day!!

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