Monday, August 11, 2008

We have a winner...bananas!

Cameron ate solid food tonight...bananas!! We've been trying the rice cereal for over a week and she cries and spits it out. One of my friends said "of course she spit it out, she wants some southern BBQ! She is your daughter after all" It got me thinking, maybe it is a taste thing, not a lack of interest. So I smashed up some banana and put a tiny bit in her mouth to which she closed her lips around it, gave a big smile and swallowed. This time the tears were my own...I was so proud of her. After a few bites I tried some rice cereal and the scream was almost instant. I had lost her trust and she wouldn't eat anymore. But that's OK, I'm feeling better knowing it's all about flavor. Let's hope this is a start of a good eater and not a picky eater...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Back in the "day" when our twins
were that age, our pediatrician
told us to use applesauce to mix
with the cereal instead of water.
They devoured it!! That's just a
thought -- because times have really changed! I never fed mine
any baby food -- just table food.
Maybe that's why they love everything -- especially collards
and turnip greens! (It must just be a southern thing)-- We're visiting with your mom and dad on
Friday night, and can't wait to
see any/all pictures of your family
that we aren't able to see via
blogspot. You're doing a fabulous
job with your little ones! Try to
enjoy every little moment, even
though some are certainly more fun
than others!
Love you,
Brenda (Wayne too!)