Friday, August 20, 2010

Marin Farmer's Market

I've decided to start taking the kids to the farmers market at least once a week, if not twice. If we really wanted to, we could visit a different farmer's market each day of the week here in the Bay Area...but let's just start with one right now. I love the reminds me of my old pastry chef days when i would get there before the markets open and try to buy up all the peaches for jam, berries for the weekend wedding cakes or corn for a corn ice cream on the dessert menu. I get so inspired by the market...

But I digress...I thought it would be fun to start taking the kids so they can learn all the different foods out there as well as help in the baking process once we get home. We decided to escape the fog of SF and head to the Marin market last week and had so much fun. It's been a while since I've been to this market (like 2 1/2years)and boy has it changed. It seems to be geared for moms and kids now. In addition to tasting all kinds of fruit, cheeses, crackers, bread, and ice cream, the kids also hit the bouncy house, saw a puppet show and enjoyed lunch at the playground. What a morning!!

Timo had the bad habit of reaching up and just eating the fruit off the tables...that's how we ended up with these grapes, he just picked them up and brought them to me. And I felt bad that he ate about 10 raspberries out of this basket...we we got them too.

The puppet show and bouncy house. There was also balloon man and face painting for a small fee...oh and pony rides! You could easily spend serious $$ at the market just on entertainment!

Once our bellies were full, we headed to the park across the lawn to get some exercise.

It felt so great just to be out in the sun! We at our lunch in the back of the car because I forgot to bring a blanket and there was duck poop all around. And for dessert...Belgium waffles we got at the market! Yummy!

1 comment:

Mira said...

My kids are there every thursday! Especially at storytime on the lawn! Keep an eye out for them.