Sunday, November 7, 2010

AZ's wedding and Baby Josiah

About 4 weeks ago our best friends, Daryl and Mindy, came to visit with their 5mo old little baby, Josiah. The reason for their visit was our dear friend's wedding, Annelies. Mindy, Annelies and I used to be in an accountability group that met every Sunday morning before church. It was such a wonderful time of getting together, sharing and praying for each other....way back when we were all single!
It was Annelise's turn to walk down the isles, and just as she had been there for us on our special days, we were there for her. It was a pleasure to see her and Nathan share their vows and make the marriage commitment. I was honored to make her wedding cake and Mindy was an amazing wedding coordinator. They had such a beautiful wedding in a sweet little church in SF...and I love that she wanted all the kids there! Check out my cake and some of the trouble makers....(Olivia, Timothy and Cameron)

The other big even that weekend was having baby Josiah in our house. The twins absolutely LOVED him! They had to be everywhere he was and tried to help out where they could...from sharing their toys to rocking him to sleep...(we even pulled the kids exasaucer out of storage)

rocking Josiah from Sara ko on Vimeo.

We also celebrated Daryl's birthday...a little celebration for him..
We even babysat Josiah one evening to give Daryl and Mindy a date night and Young got a good refresher course of not holding a just fed baby up in the air...Josiah spit up all over him! Timo wasn't sure what to make of the that...he got a little scared...
It was so fun to see our friends and meet Josiah. It was also great to give a ton of the kids baby toys and clothes away! I told Mindy to bring an extra suitcase to fill up and that's exactly what they did! How sweet to know Josiah will be wearing the same clothes that Timothy wore. Yeah!

1 comment:

Sharona said...

Wasn't I in that accountability group?! * feeling fuzzy but sounds familiar *