Saturday, November 27, 2010

Operation Christmas Child

We had Operation Christmas Child at our church last weekend and it was a huge success. Our church wanted to pack at least 200 boxes and we ended up with close to 250! Just think of all the little lives we can impact with such a simple and fun task. The church supplied enough toys/supplies for 50 boxes and we prayed for our church family to supply the remaining 150 boxes...our God is good!

The packing party was the night before and I had hit up the Dollar Store for enough supplies for our family to pack two boxes, one for each of the kids to pack. I was a little nervous taking the kids to the packing party...thinking they would want to play with the toys more than pack them in shoe boxes. But as I'm learning more and more, talking about it way ahead of time helped a lot. I started telling the kids we were giving toys to little children who didn't have any toys because we loved them like Jesus loves us and Jesus loves all the little children. I talked about it and talked about so by the time we got to the packing party the kids were so excited, they couldn't wait to pack the boxes. Timo was a little sad that he couldn't actually give it to the little boy he was packing it for...guess I forgot to mention that we were sending them half way round the world!

Here are some pictures of our packing party. I'm so proud of the Timothy and Cameron...they had such loving hearts when packing. I hope some seeds were planted in their hearts for giving an loving others.

After we finished packing our two boxes we started on some supplied by the church. There was several tables of "loot" laid out around the room and prewrapped boxes. We just needed to make our way round the room, load them up and put a tag on them.

Then it was time for a little pizza and a special little cupcake treat for a job well done!

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