Monday, November 15, 2010

San Diego, Day 2

Our second day in San Digeo was spent at the Model Railroad Museum. This is basically a huge room dedicated all to model trains...which I loved but frustrated the kids. I think Timo really wanted to play with the trains or at the very least, play with all the toys that made up the scenery around the trains.

We were meeting my friend Mindy and baby Josiah this day and had a little time to kill before they opened...ahh, to be a kid again...just having fun running under the sandwich boards. And Mindy helping the kids reach the button to make the RR crossing sign go up and down.
There were model trains everywhere. Some you could control by pressing buttons and others were controlled by the workers behind the glass...I'm sure a dream job for most of these guys working there. I just loved looking at all the details of the scenery around the trains.

And of course, what's a train museum without a Thomas train and train table. Luckily there were more than just trains in there for little puzzle solver found the train puzzle and quickly went to work.
After naps we walked over a few blocks from our downtown hotel to the SD Padres baseball stadium. I must say it was pretty impressive. The park surrounding the ball park was eye level and you could practically see the baseball field from the playground.
Right next to the playground was a mini baseball field with little bases and everything. With all the SF Giant's World Series Champions fever going on in SF right now, Timo is all consumed with baseball. As soon as he saw the field he shouted with such excitement and they both took off rounding the bases.

Testing out their abilities from the pitcher's mound....

We finally made it to the actual playground but only had about 20mins to play before the park closed. We made the best of it but it was hard leaving such a fun play area.

I was trying to take a picture of Cameron spinning in the bucket and Timo kept jumping in the frame saying "cheese." I would shoo him away and he would pop right back up. What a ham!

Since it was a work trip for Daddy, he had a client dinner this night, we were on our own for supper. We scouted out this fun looking pizza place that was having $6 pizzas for Happy Hour...gotta love the fact that kids eat early! And since the kids behaved SO well at supper, we stopped for ice cream on the way back to the hotel. A sweet ending to a sweet day!

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