Thursday, September 8, 2011

Discovery Museum with Friends

Before school started, one of our good friends called with a major conflict and asked if I could watch her two children, age 9 & 11, for the day. Being that it was the same day I had planed to take the twins to the Discovery museum to check out the new Curious George exhibit, I absolutely said "YES!" Two extra pair of eyes to watch the twins in a museum full of kids...could not have been more perfect! Conner, 9, and Jillian, 11, were such a great help and I think they actually enjoyed themselves too...

We spent the first hour in the giant tinker toy square...what a great toy concept! Everyone loved it. Conner and Timo eventually had a really cool race car track going but I missed getting a picture of it.
The Curious George exhibit was really great. It's no secret that my kids are big fans of George, TV show and the books, so it was fun to see them run around pointing out all the characters they recognized and being able to play with things they see on the show.
I was impressed with Timo working on his shadow shapes and using his logic to figure out how to get all the windmill to turn at once.
We spent a great deal of time outside because it was such a nice, sunny fog! Timo and Connor tackled the rock quarry, ringing the bell at the top of the nature trail and a picnic lunch.

It was so helpful having Jillian and Connor with us! Jillian kept track of Cameron and played whatever she wanted to play...which involved almost an hour at the moon dough table.
Connor kept Timo busy all day, showing him the ropes of being a "big boy". I can't even begin to tell you how much Timo talks about playing with Connor now...
So in the end, my friend was doing me a favor by giving me her children for the day...not the other way around. Cameron chose to draw how much fun she had with Connor and Jillian. She drew everything on her smiley face...notice the eye brows, eye lashes, ears and legs! A true Picasso in the making!

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