Saturday, September 24, 2011

Labor Day Weekend Pt 1

Labor Day weekend we took a little overnight trip down south for some fun and change of scenery. I've been trying to plan a trip to our fourth and final AAA baseball game for the season down to the San Jose Giants and lucked out with them playing at home that weekend! We headed down after church on Sunday (about and hour drive) and met our good friends, the Hertzels, for the game.
Timo is starting to really get into the baseball games. He asks which team is "ours" and then stands to cheer and shout for our team. He also like to sing the "Take me out to the ball game.." song.

But the games do get long, so thank goodness there are always kid's activities to do. Young took Timo and Cameron walking around to play...Timo had to hit the batting cage and Cameron had to do the big slide!

Our friends Matthew and his baby sister, Noelle enjoying the game...or each other...
Churrios! Luckily Timo didn't like his so I got to eat it...he, he, he...
After the game we went to our hotel to get checked in, baths and ready for our day in Santa Cruz the next day!! Nothing like new furniture to jump and play on !

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