Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Summer Fun!

We tried to pack in as much fun as we could before school started for the twins. Cameron got really comfortable in the water by the end summer. She practiced her kicking with a kick board and a floaty.
While Timo is still a little shy in the water, he perfected his water shooter aim!
Finishing off a day of swimming with mini ice cream cones!
Another one of our favorite summer activities is going to the farmers market. We typically hit the Wednesday market downtown, snack on all the free samples and then go to story time at the library.

And we wanted one last play date with all our friends so I planned a big "Back to School" bash at Giant's Stadium. The stadium is open during the day for kids to come play in the "kid zone" which consists of the Coke bottle slides, t-ball field, giant baseball glove and cable car. Understandable, the t-ball field was the most popular!

We got to sit in the stadium seats for lunch and much fun!
About the time we started sliding, a huge group of YMCA summer camp teens showed up and basically took over the place, bummer. But the kids did get in a few good slides before they were muscled out...
Luckily the cable car was on the way out so it was a good way to usher the kids away from the field...most didn't want to leave. But they all hopped aboard the cable car and Timo insisted on being the driver...telling everyone to side down because we were going up a big their imagination!(side note: we really, really tried to get a group picture but none of the kids were sitting still or's to be expected with seven 3 year olds)

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