Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cameron Sleeps

Cameron has always been a crazy sleeper. Each night we go in and check, cover up and give kisses to the kids before we go to bed...and typically find Cameron in the funniest positions that leave us wondering what she was doing before she fell asleep? This one was when she had bronchitus and the doctor really wanted her to sleep sitting up and drink lots of well as warm liquids helped sooth her throat and cough. I would make warm milk for her to sip in bed and this night she fell asleep holding the cup...she just couldn't put it down...
One night I came in and found her on the floor sleeping...what on earth?? Did she just not like her bed? Did she sleep walk and get out of bed? Was she playing with toys before sleep overcame her??
I love when I find her sleeping backwards, almost like she was sitting up, getting sleepy and just fell over into slumber.
And this one?? Did she fall asleep, then wake up, sit on the edge of her bed and fall backwards? Or was she having deep conversations with froggy and wowsie and fell asleep mid conversations?? Crazy girl...

One thing that is constant in all these pictures is Cameron's blankie...wherever or however she sleeps, blankie is right there with her!

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