Sunday, October 16, 2011

Magic Trick

So our has been acting up the past few months, freezing up and then shutting down. Young dug a little deeper and figured out it was our hard drive...which was great because that meant it was covered under the warranty. The bad news is we had to replace the hard drive, basically giving us a brand new computer with nothing on pictures. We had to back everything up and now reload it back on the computer. But I'm so thankful to have an amazing husband that spent 4 hours working on it to make it good as new.

Long story short, I haven't had a chance to reload photos yet so you're getting a recent video from online...Timo the Magician! Young has been doing simple magic tricks with the kids like penny behind the ear and the dissappearing quarter. Here is is Timo's version of that trick...
(fyi, the "monkey munch" is actually Gorilla Munch cereal)

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