Thursday, October 6, 2011

New Update on Timo

So turns out Timo wasn't getting as better as we thought...he had a set back Monday and was back in the doctors office Tuesday morning with fever and difficult breathing again. Turns out the first antibiotic they prescribed wasn't working and the super duper liquid steroid they gave him in the ER had worn off...creating the perfect storm. So we switched antibiotics and were sent home with four days of the liquid steroid. Young also flew out to NYC Tues. morning before the kids woke up, but luckily was on a flight that had wi-fi so I could email him updates. He also was able to contact our pastor, family and friends for me to ask for prayer for our little boy...all from the plane!

I'm so happy to report that Timo seems to be on the mend now, finally. I think the new meds are working but we'll know for sure tomorrow when the steroids wear off. He is certainly back to his same energy level and no longer having coughing fits. He hasn't been to school this week and each day has wanted to sit in the car while I take Cameron in or pick her up, except for today. He wanted to go in to pick her up and was so excited to see his teachers and friends. I think he is ready to go back to school. And I must say, I'm ready for him to go back. I'm totally spoiled having twins...they always play with each other. With just one child, they expect 100% of your attention 100% of the time! So exhausting...
(Cameron had a really hard time going to school without Timo. She typically run right off when we get there with barely a kiss goodbye...but not while Timo has been gone. Lots "one last hug", "don't go", "I'm sick too Mommy". Seems someone is more attached to her brother than she lets on...)

And like they say, when it rains, it pours...Cameron woke up Monday night crying and crying that her skin burned. I lifted up her jammes to find hives all over her legs, arms, back and face. Apparently she had an allergic reaction to a new soap I used for them in the bath that night. Ugh. She missed one day of school and has been on Benedryl for the past 3 days. Happy to report, she is now is hive free...yay!!

I hope we're done for the year of sickness...

1 comment:

Sharona said...

Omigoodness! I have missed so much in not checking my favourite blogs lately! I hope they're both doing well now! Poor babies!