Monday, October 10, 2011

Timo Writes His Name

One of the traits my son got from me is his sense of perfectionism...not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. In most cases it causes him extreme frustration because he can't do something perfect. This leads to a lot of melt downs and tears over not being able to replicate exactly what he sees in his mind. On the other hand, I have to give him credit for keeping at something over and over until he can do it...perfectly. (This also includes not singing a song out loud until he knows all the words.)

Each day at their school the parents have to sign out their children on a sign out sheet. The teacher made one for the kids to sign out too because they are always wanting to write on the parent's sheet. Once Timo saw some of the 4 year olds writing their name, he absolutely HAD to learn how to write his name. I'll admit, we've had our share of tears and crying "I can't, it doesn't look right..." but it was all worth it today when he sat down and wrote his name perfectly for the first time! I was so proud of him and you could tell he was proud of himself. He has been practicing and practicing for weeks now, most days at his art are his stages.

Almost as soon as he wrote "Timo" tonight he was asking how to spell "Timothy Ko" so I helped him write his big full name for a little extra credit...

1 comment:

Sharona said...

HE WROTE HIS NAME?! Omigosh. Brilliant!!