Monday, October 3, 2011

Timo Upate

Thank you all so much for your prayers for Timo. As some of you may not know, Timo was diagnosed with pneumonia this weekend that quickly got worse, ending us up in the ER on Saturday for over 6 hours. But we praise and rejoice our healing Father for His mighty work over our little boy.

It all started with this little girl....she had bronchitis about two weeks ago and we had to go in for her to have an albuterol treatment. She was never that sick, no fever, runny nose, crankiness, nothing...just a cough that lasted two weeks so we finally took her in and found out bronchitis.
We tried and tried out best to keep Timo from getting it. With his asthma history, a respiratory virus is bad news for him. But as lass, he caught the cough, which at first was slight and we though we could keep it under control with his inhaler. After a few days I could tell it was getting worse and took him in last Friday. Our doctor listened to his chest and immediately said he had pneumonia. She prescribed antibiotic and said if he got worse to bring him right in. Like Cameron, he wasn't even really running a fever or showing an other signs of being sick, just a cough. Saturday morning he woke up with a fever and the cough sounded a lot worse. Throughout the day he just got worse and worse. We couldn't break his fever, he was really inactive, fell asleep just sitting on the sofa and his breathing was sound rapid and shallow. Finally at 5pm we made the call to take him to the ER. They took one look at him and immediately whisked him away, hooking him up to oxygen, heart monitor, and ordered an xray to look at his chest. He was not a happy camper.
Everything was happening so fast, with such speed, nothing like ER experiences I've had in the past. (They later told me when you have a child in breathing distress you get bumped to the top of the list.) The ER doctor came in immediately, check him out and told us we would be admitted over night, he would be fine was wasn't doing very well at the moment. His heart rate was over 155, normal is around 90, and his blood oxygen was around 90, normal being 96-100. And his fever was hoovering around 102. Oh boy! Timo was crying and crying, he hated the oxygen tub in his nose and the heart rate pad on him. My heart was absolutely breaking. I was trying by best to distract him and remembered Young had let him play Angry Birds on his phone this summer while we were flying. I got my phone out and loaded up Angry Birds...perfect! It totally distracted him so the doctors could do the albuterol treatments on him.
The bad thing about giving Timo my phone to play with is I couldn't use it to call Young to keep him updated and the game drained my battery. I tried to get my phone back but Timo got so upset which made him start coughing which made his heart rate go it was just best to use the room phone. I'm so thankful this was a weekend and Young wasn't traveling. He stayed at home with Cameron. And I'm so thankful we grabbed Timo's Papi on our way out the door...Timo would have been a wreck without his Papi. And the nurses even "hooked" Papi up to the heart monitor sweet.
The pediatric doctor came in and told me they would do three albuterol treatments and one super powerful steroid liquid dose to help open his airways up and see how he was doing. After each albuterol they turned off his oxygen and his stats began to fall...didn't look good. They kept preparing me for him to stay the night, even though he was starting to perk up a little. So in a quiet moment in our room, Timo and I prayed together, thanking Jesus for the great doctors that were helping him, giving thanks for his improvements so far (his fever was breaking) and asking Jesus to continue healing him. Then after his third and final treatment of albuterol his oxygen level held steady. But the doctor still weren't convinced and wanted to see if he cold hold it steady for two we had to wait and wait and wait. Our nurse was awesome. She blew up gloves for us, brought stickers and printed out coloring pages for Timo to color. He was starting to look and act so much better...all praises!

She even made sure Papi was taken care of...
Timo was holding his own breathing, not as high as they like to see, but at least holding his own without the oxgyen. The ER doctor said he was "the bad side of good" holding around 94/95 blood oxygen. But since we are experienced with inhalers they let us go home...with the promise we would bring him back first thing in the morning to check his stats! Praise the Lord! They made him walk a few laps around the ER to make sure he was stable and then we were let go...6 hours later, around 10:30pm. I soooo did not want Timo to spend the night at the hospital. This was the barrage of medicine they sent us home with...two different inhalers, another dose of liquid super powerful steroid, Tylenol, Motrin and antibiotics. (the Advil in the back was for about a stress headach)
But it's was all worth it. 24 hours later Timo was doing better, eating (he hadn't eaten much at all the whole day before) and hanging with his sister watching his fav movie...Cars.
And here we are two days later and he continues to get better. He's been living like a king the past few days so I know he isn't complaining :)

1 comment:

annelies said...

Whoa. Big news. I'm glad he's ok. Let me know if you want me to bring over any chocolate probiotic bars- I've got a connection.