Monday, April 29, 2013

Cameron's Filling

Cameron has one back tooth that just didn't form right.  It's been a cause for concern for her dentist for a while now.  It form with a deep hole in it, like a cavity but just a hole in the middle of it.  We've tried sealant twice and both time the sealant came out so the only other option was to put a filling in it as to avoid a cavity forming down the road.  So we went in and she was a CHAMP!  I was a wreck, but she was fine.  I'm not sure why I was so nervous, just worst case scenarios kept popping into my head.

They gave her a little "happy gas" to relax her and turned on the movie Cars.  Initially said they would have to numb the area because the hole was so deep, but they were able to do the filling without numbing, whew!
All in all it took only about 20mins, so fast.  She didn't let go of Dino the whole time.  I hope this is the last we have to worry about this least until she looses it.

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