Monday, April 22, 2013

Sring Break--SF Zoo

One of our vacation days we spent at the zoo seeing the new dinosaur exhibit. Cameron had been seeing the advertisements all over the city and asking and asking and asking to go. Unfortunately the day we chose to go was an incredibly windy day outside, like 30mph nonstop winds.  We tried to make the best of it by keeping to the inside exhibits but it is a zoo after all...
The dino display was somewhat disappointing.  It was inside, so that was a plus that particular day but not too much in the way of actual dinosaurs to look at.  They had a large maze through out the building, all the panels making up the maze walls had dino facts all over them.  But most of the info was way over the kids' heads.  There was various activities along the way but nothing too impressive.
They did get to rock climb, dig some bones, walk with dino feet, etc and the kids enjoyed it...guess that's all that matters, huh?
The wind blew us over to the insect building and we took refuge inside for a while checking out all the bugs.  We tried to check out some of the outside animals but my guess was they were hiding from the wind too...not many animals to see, so we played a while.
After about an hour of being blown around like a tumble weed, I was begging the kids to go.  Of course they were having a blast so I took to something I don't do often...bribery!  I promised a ride on the merry-go-round if we could leave right after.  Done and done...we were in and out of the zoo in record time!
The day was still young so we opted for an inside activity like the library.  We loaded up on dino and military machine books...enough to last us the rest of the windy, windy, windy day...inside.

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