Monday, April 1, 2013

March Birthday Parties

For the second time this year we've had two friends' birthday parties on the same day. I kinda like the efficiency of it all but know it tends to be a little too much on the kids by the end of the day...too much junk food, too much cake and too much action.  But we love our friends and love being invited to spend their special day with we buck up and planed to party all day!

The first party was Matthews Herzel's.  I made a huge mistake by looking at the time wrong on the invitation and showed up an hour early for the party!!  What's wrong with me???  Jen was such a sweetheart and put us right to work helping set up and we were glad to help.  Young kept the kids busy playing twister while we got the party ready.
Finally it was party time and Rolo the Clown showed up.  Oh boy, do Cameron and Timo LOVE Rolo!
We had the usual face painting and balloon animals...that have now turned into balloon guns per Timo's request.
Happy Birthday Matthew!!  We needed to leave and get going to the next party but Cameron wouldn't leave until she finished her cake...takes after her mommy!
Luckily the next party was just a few minuets away at Pump It Up to celebrate Karissa's Tang's birthday.
We're no stranger to PIU but we've never been to this particular location.  They had some great new inflatables and activities we haven't seen at others.  One was the cannon shooting inflatable...guess where Timo spent most of his time? 
Another new one was the climbing rock.  Cameron was a "rock star" trying to reach the top.  She tried 4 different times, trying to reach the top but just couldn't ring the bell.  She would get almost there and her hands would be sweaty start slipping off the knobs.  She did an amazing job but I felt so bad for her, she was so upset when they closed it down to move on to the party room.  Such determination!   But at least we have something to work for next time.
Happy Birthday Karissa!!  More cake?? 
We had about an hour drive home and the kidos were out before we even hit the freeway.  The fun we had was worth the food/sugar crash they both had...good times.

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