Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Beach Time

Even though the weather wasn't really cooperating with us, we decided to take the kids to the beach anyway just for a little sand time. The Carmel Coast has some of the most beautiful views so we wanted to take advantage of being there. Timo was in awe of the beach and just stood looking at it for the longest time.
Cameron was a little hesitant of the feels different than the sand in the sandbox at the park. Beach sand is kinda wet and sticks to your fingers. She didn't really like it stuck all in her hands. But she had a blast pointing at object at the beach...dogs, birds, people, balls, etc...

Once Timo got over the view, he got right to playing in the sand, filled his buckets, dumped them out, filled them, dumped the out...over and over. He got sand all in his hair, face, clothes...everywhere. Daddy took him down to the water and he got very upset when he couldn't get in. Next time when it's a little warmer buddy.

Once we got back to the car we had to strip Timothy down before getting in his seat! I think he had a really good time at the beach!!

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