Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day '09

As I was sitting in church yesterday, I was thanking the Lord for blessing me to be a mother. It has been everything I had and had not expected and more! I had a wonderful Mother's Day yesterday and have to give my hubby props for making it a special day. The kids wanted to start celebrating their mommy super early in the morning with a 5:30 wake up cry from Timo which then woke up his sister. Yeah, not pretty. Not sure what spooked him or woke him up but we decided to give them their morning milk in hopes they would go back to worked and we got a little more sleep....Ahhh..

After opening cards and gifts from my kiddies we were off for an early morning stroll and coffee. We had late lunch/brunch reservations so we packed a little lunch to feed the kids after church. We knew they would fall asleep so we planned on doing a little scenic driving around SF while they napped in the car.(we have to travel with his monkey and her blanket when we know they will be napping in the car...)

We had hoped that the kids would be well rested for a nice brunch but I guess they had other ideas. It started out nice and neat but quickly spiraled downhill when Timo got it in his head he wanted down to walk around. Not a good idea in a nice restaurant with steps and fun table clothes hanging down to pull on. The kids had far more fun playing in the window of the restaurant, looking at the view!

We ended our day by playing in the park, an evening stroll and a yummy super fixed by my hubby. Even though Young did so much for me that day, I was exhausted at the end of the day and treated myself to a super early bedtime! What a wonderful Mother's Day!

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