Saturday, May 9, 2009

Eating Habits

We've had a little problem with Timothy lately...he has taken to throwing his food. Most everything else he does that is a "no-no", a firm "NO" usually does the trick...except when eating. And he waits until I'm looking at him, just to make sure I see him, then he chucks a handful of mac-n-cheese on the floor. I started taking his meal away when he started throwing food but he was going days barely eating that wasn't working. After talking to some other moms, I realized it was his way of getting attention from me b/c most of my attention was on Cameron at meal time. (trying to make sure she is eating with the whole weight gain issue)

So...I decided to pay more attention to my little Timo, of course, and also give him a little more freedom at meal, start using a bowl and maybe a plate. OK, no plate yet, but the bowl seemed more manageable. They are both getting really good at using their forks and spoons so adding a bowl shouldn't be such a big deal, right? I guess that depends on what is in that bowl!

The kids love soup! I decided to start with cups to slurp soup out of and maybe stab a chunk or two with their forks. It didn't really go as planned. They drink bath water all the time out of the toy cups in the tub so I figured they could handle cup of soup. Oh well,as you can see, lesson learned.

But the bowl is going well. I put chunks of food in the bowl, something easy for the fork to jab into. They are so proud of themselves if they make it from bowl to mouth without dropping. And I'm happy to report Timo is doing much better with the food throwing. I also started giving them an animal cracker after each meal if he made it though without throwing food. We've only had one episode last week and I'm pretty sure that was b/c I was doing dishes while they ate...not giving him praises for feeding himself!

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