Friday, May 22, 2009

More Teeth for Cameron...Ugh!

Poor Cameron has her 4 top teeth coming in all at once! You can see four little white peeks coming through her gums. We are on a pain management schedule with her...trying to stay ahead with Tylenol or teething tablets to help make her comfortable. She doesn't handle pain very well (but who does??) and it almost seems like she is throwing a temper tantrum...but we know it's the teeth. It's funny because Timo just get really sad and cries when he is in pain, but Cameron almost seems mad and angry. She hasn't really had an apetite for the past day or so either. She woke up last night just screaming and the only thing that calmed her down were two big, fat, juicy strawberries. She just gnawed and sucked on them for about 3omins...I think the cold felt good on her gums. Poor baby girl. Hopefully the teeth will push on through soon!

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