Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ardenwood Pumpkin Patch

So....after a little picnic lunch, we followed the "map" over to the pumpkin patch...well, at least Timo followed the "map", which was just our schedule of events paper that he somehow thought was the map and insisted on looking at the "map" to find the pumpkin patch...a little "Dora the Explorer" influence...
We made it! (just across the parking lot) The hay pyramid was the first stop...all the way to the top and giving the King of the Mountain sign.

Cameron had to go pee-pee...a big first for us...the porta potty! She thought it was so much fun and I thought it was gross...ugh. But it was a success. Then we came back and picked out some pumpkins.

They had a great little hay maze that was just big enough for little kids. The twins went through it about 20 times before we could drag them away. At one point, they just sat down at a dead end and played in the hay...ahhh, to be a kid again...

Timo looking at his "map" while Cameron drives...a perfect team!
We hope to come back each year so this measuring pumpkin is perfect to see how the kids grow from year to year.

Leaving something fun is never easy for the kids but it helps to be hot, tired and dirty when you're done! We made it to the car and the kids were asleep within minutes of leaving the farm. I'd say a good time was had by all!

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