Wednesday, October 6, 2010

the Zoo!

Our computer crashed last night so I'm using our old, old, old dinosaur one which feels as heavy as a desk top one feels. I can't upload any of my camera photos on the old one because it doesn't have our camera software...which means I'll be posting about our activity this morning...the Zoo!

I didn't even take my camera because we've been to the zoo so many many different photo can one really take?? And we don't ever make to any of the animal exhibits, just the playground, train ride, petting zoo and picnic lunch take up our morning. Good thing we go on free days, I would hate to pay for a ticket and actually not see any of the animals!!

We went with our friends Caleb& Evan Moy and Olivia Tafao with her one week old brother, Isaiah...he's riding in his mommy's sling. Gotta love the train ride!

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