Thursday, April 28, 2011

Being Thankful & Coloring Eggs

I have to start out by saying it's amazing how the Lord knows what's best for us before we even have a clue! We've had a trip planned to go to Ohio to see Young's family twice now and twice have had to postpone it. Both time have been because of Young's work travels (he would have had to work most of the vacation) so we postponed it first from the beginning of April to the end of April, just after Easter. The week we were supposed to go, it snowed the day before we were to arrive and rained the whole week as well as being really really cold! It would not have been a fun vacation. The second postponement was leaving Monday after Easter in which Timo, Cameron and I all got so sick from a bad cold. We're still not over it and I'm so thankful we didn't end up going, we would have been sick the whole Young's mom said it's been raining all week there too! Praise God for interfering and rescheduling us! But I have to say, after the week we've had, all sick and Young has been gone, I am SO READY for a little vacation!!

Now on the happier times, before we all go sick, Easter Egg Coloring!

We headed down to our buddy, Matthew's house. Matthew's Mommy made a wise decision to move the decoration outside...very smart. As soon as we showed Matthew how to drop the eggs in the cup, he started plopping eggs in all the cups, splashing colored water everywhere. And some eggs rolled right off the dipper and some rolled off the drying glad we were outside.

We were almost out of eggs when we remembered the crayon that came with the kit. We tested it out on the last few...and it worked!

There were all kinds of stickers ands fancy egg holders that we wanted to use but all the kids had short attention spans...they were eager to finish and go ride all Matthew's fun cars...oh well, maybe they will get into more the older they get.
But we got some great looking eggs and delicious deviled eggs a few days later!

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