Friday, April 1, 2011

Book Worms

Timo and Cameron have turned into little book worms over the past few months. They have always loved to be read to but lately all they want to do is "read" the books themselves. I'm sure it's all part of the imagination section of their brain that got instantly turned on when they turned 3!

They know most of the books by heart so they will sit and read the story as it was read to them. Occasionally they will make up the story, depending on what they see in the pictures...either way, almost every page begins with "once upon a time..."

reading from Sara ko on Vimeo.

The Little Engine That Could is one of Timo's his is reading, asking each engine if they can help until they find the Little Engine that could.

Untitled from Sara ko on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Sharona said...

hahaha! 'Once upon a time...' I'm going to start all of my blog posts like that. Also, I love the comedic effect you achieved by panning out of the shot with Cameron reading, and you see Timo sitting right there doing the same exact thing. ha! Brilliant.